Currently we are proposing circa 190 apartments, including a mix of one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments.
The building is proposed to stand at 8 storeys in height, with an active ground floor.
The development includes 26 parking bays which will be accessed from Crocus Street. Included within the parking provision are four disabled accessible spaces and EVCP provision.
Due to the proximity to public transport connections and local services, the site will promote sustainable and active travel methods, reducing the need for cars journeys.
The proposals will help contribute to Nottingham City Council’s commitment to become the first carbon neutral city in the country by 2028 by harnessing renewable energy, including the use of solar panels.
As part of the remediation of the existing site, careful consideration will be given to embodied carbon and, where possible, materials could be recycled and incorporated as part of the proposals.
As part of any planning consent, the applicant will enter into a legal agreement with Nottingham City Council to provide additional funding to local services. This will be negotiated during the planning determination process.
A Construction Management Plan will be put in place to manage things such as dirt, noise and construction traffic.
This would be secured by condition on the application during negotiations with the planning officers at Nottingham City Council.